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Authentic Writing Situations Project

Page history last edited by paul bonnell 11 years, 9 months ago

As we have discussed several times in class, before the end of the semester, you need to participate in and hone skills in at least one "authentic" writing situation.  Part of your semester exam will involve reflecting on this activity, and your ability to do this well will be related to the depth and quality that you bring to the authentic writing situation(s) you choose.


For the project, complete the following:


1.  For starters, read this article/blog about teaching writing and using "authentic" writing situations http://gettingsmart.com/cms/blog/2012/06/teaching-authentic-writing-socially-mediated-world/ .  Make sure to read all the comments and responses as well.  In the comments space below, post your thoughts about the article and/or the discussion, making sure to focus on Quality in your analysis and discussion.  How might expanding our views of what "authentic" writing can be help students become better writers?  How might it be an inclusive exercise rather than an exclusive one?  What I mean is, how might writing better Facebook and blog posts help you become a better writer of novel analysis essays?  Why do people think of these in antithetical terms?


2.  Next, find your own venue for participating in authentic writing sometime during the next month.  You may work with categories discussed in the above article.  You might choose writing contests or publications such as can be found at http://www.teenink.com/.  Join the Idaho Writers' League, Sandpoint Chapter.  Talk to the Boundary County Library about their writers' group.  Start your own writing club and document its progress.  Find a writing situation for a local business.  Hold a discussion or interview with a writer.  Write a song or poem to perform at the Performers' Circle at The Pearl Theater on December 28.  Write some movie reviews for friends and family (or strangers).


3.  Make at least one journal entry reflecting on the value of this activity.  Discuss what you did or are doing.  Discuss what you've discovered.  Discuss the pitfalls.  Discuss the potentialities.  Explore the possibilities.


4.  Bring your reflections, as well as a copy (or access to a copy) of your writing to the semester exam.

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