agghh.. ive already read so many books that i don't know what to write about all of them
Eat Pray love by Elizabeth Gilbert
"When you're lost in the woods it sometimes takes you a while to realize that your lost" 48
"There are more pills in my bottom drawer, but i don't want them. I want to be free of them forever" 60
- I'm a very independent person. I'm not really even into so much technology that i rely on it to live my life. I hat how modern day everyone is so dependent of things that they can't live their life on there own... technology, drugs, friends and family. One time i want to be like those people who have very littlebut appreciate what they have and aren't greedy.
Liz got so into meditation that she didn't even feel hundreds of mosquitos biting her.
Fun fact about me #1 for the last few months i've been meditating for 20 minutes every night. Even before i read this book, so when i read it i could relate to how difficult it is to clear my mind
The project that i did for this book is writing about where i would go if i could travel to 3 counties in the world. i could write a lot more than what i did on it even though i wrote like 6 pages! i bearely skimmed the surface.
Words :) :(
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