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Sara Ann, T-unit *imping, Alec Perkins, Erm!, Mr Bojangles aka (Jackson Hazdovac) 133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337, Thoughts, Feelings, Reflection, Everything in Between, Ives*, fitch, JakeG, Level68 DragonMaster with Flaming Capabilities, Kristen Grace :), Fridays and Umbrellas (A Page by Jordan Osborne), burn!, amystery, little noah, Level 70 Wizard with Melee Capabilities, Boorminator 2, Meow, (O: Jordan the Jaginator *, Baby Moe's, Я получаю проблему для вашего разрешения…, (: Lindsay the snailinator, Allister ;p, Level 87 Elf Wizard, big D ryno, Christina Soriano's page,
In case you forgot, here's your homework:
Homework 11/3
Read the introduction to Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. It's titled "The Statue That Didn't Look Right," and it can be found here: or in hard copy from Mr. Bonnell.
Listen to the song "Prince of Darkness" by The Indigo Girls
Here are the lyrics:
Listen to the song "What I'll Remember Most" by Over the Rhine
Lyrics are here:
Read the poem "The Future" by Billy Collins:
Watch the music video for "What I've Done" by Linkin' Park:
Lyrics are here:
Write at least 15 minutes of reflection on these different "texts." You may write these in your journal if you wish. Make specific references to images and ideas in the texts.
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