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The McAwesome Page of CkayCkay

Page history last edited by Katie 14 years, 6 months ago



"Anything's possible if you want it enough."



The book 'Skinned' is about a girl who gets in a car wreck. The doctors think she will not survive in her old body so they transfer her to a fully new body. Some think she is just a machine, but she strives to be real. Lia Kahn, the girl, has to learn to talk, walk, and become herself all over again.


All her friends, boyfriend, and even family treat her with pity and judge the new her. All of them are embarrassed of her because the media made 'skinners' look bad. Her boyfriend chooses someone who is close to her, but not as close as you think.


Lia wishes she could go back to the popular, beautiful girl she once was who got everything she wanted and had no worries. She feels like she has died and an imitation has been made of the old Lia and programmed to act like her as well.



"God made man, who made you?" Pg. 86

"Computers think; humans feel." Pg. 229









Don't Take Love Lying Down 


     I am currently reading Don't Take Love Lying Down by Brad Henning. He talks about how girls and guys are very different in other ways than just physical apperance. The way they act, the way they communicate, to the reproductive system.


MEN                                          WOMEN

1. Impersonal                             1. Very Personal

2. Goals                                     2. Details

3. External Oriented                  3. Internal Oriented


     There are many examples and real letters from teens.


Dear Brad,

I wish you would have gone further into the issue of why girls are so hard to get along with and why when you think you've finally got them figured out they totally flip and what they want isn't the same as what they used to want when you didn't know what it was they wanted.



Dear Brad

You think girls are confusing? It's guys that are confusing. They want sex all the time, but still want to marry a nice girl. They want soemone super pretty, but if you are they're afraid to ask you out. If the girl gives him sex, he breaks up with her 'cause she's easy. Guys want to know what girls want? Come on! What do guys want?




"The weaker sex is the stronger sex because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex." pg. 340


(from the For Girls only section)

"Principles to Live and Date By

1. Don't wait for a man to make you happy.

2. Women are the most powerful people on the face of the earth. . . so act like it!

3. Your sexuality is your gift to your future husband. Don't give it to someone else.

4. You control the dating pattern, not him.

5. He wants to win your heart, so let him. don't keep pursuing him.

6. Don't give your heart away to soon.

7. Whatever you use to get a man, that's what you'll use to keep him.

8. Do the best with what you have physically, don't rely on it.

9. You can tell a man, 'I love you,' if your actions have already prove what your words will declare.

10. Look for a successful, competent guy.

11. Date guys close to your own age.

12. Never date a guy just 'cause he is the only one asking you out.

13. Guys want to date and marry intelligent girls (but they're also scared of them.)

14. What a guy shares with you in private, stays private. Be trustworthy, or he'll never be vulnerable with you again.

15. Don't ever put up with a guy who tries to control you. EVER!

16. Dump the magazines


One last thing. Girls often ask, what are the biggest turn-offs for guys? Okay, if you really want to know...

Girls who giggle (Guys think you are laughing at them)

Girls who never stop talking

Girls who need every hair in place

Girls who constantly wonder how they look

Girls who are too thin, and look like they're gonna break

Girls who act dumb

Girls who cry all the time

Girls who have lost their mystery

Girls who never smile

Girls who always need attention

Girls who are boy-crazy

Girls without a mind of their own

Girls who can't be spontaneous

Girls who won't play sports

Girls who brag about their grades

Girls who 'screech' when they see their friends

Girls who are only into 'chick flicks'

Girls who only say 'yes' or give into everything

Girls who 'tell all'

Girls who only talk about themselves

Girls who make guys have to 'guess' at everything

Girls who can't take a joke

Girls who make everthing seem like it's the guy's fault

Girls who ask us questions they don't really want the answer to

Girls who smoke

Girls who wear a lot of makeup

Girls who take thing too seriously"   pgs.374-381


pg. 112






The Bar Code Tattoo

     The bar code tattoo in this society is the way people buy, sell, and keep their identities. To be able to live,  you need the 'tat'. The tattoo is located on your right wrist. There are symbols that lead to the number of 666.

     Kayla is an ordinary sixteen year old girl, but her family is not. Her mother is depressed because her husband died. Her husband died because of the tattoo. Kayla had been debating on whether she wants the tattoo or not. She gets involved with a group that wants the pption for whether you can get the tattoo or not.



Created by Katie Michael


Comments (18)

Brooke said

at 8:05 am on Oct 6, 2009

Is the book good so far?

Katie said

at 8:06 am on Oct 6, 2009

'Tis very good :)

Brooke said

at 8:07 am on Oct 6, 2009

Is it easy to read and understand?

Erin said

at 8:07 am on Oct 6, 2009

Nice page :)

Katie said

at 8:08 am on Oct 6, 2009

Yes it is and it is very interesting; good plot.

Brooke said

at 8:08 am on Oct 6, 2009

I might have to read it next self-select lol.

Katie said

at 8:11 am on Oct 6, 2009

Well i would recommend it. Nicole called dibs on it next even though she is almost done with it already, but I am sure she won't have it for too long.

Brooke said

at 8:23 am on Oct 6, 2009

Ill beat her to it HA lol

Katie said

at 8:24 am on Oct 6, 2009

haha, well she is only a few pages behind me lol

Allia said

at 8:25 am on Oct 6, 2009

i want it after you brooke!! ALLIA CALLS DIBS!!

Katie said

at 8:25 am on Oct 6, 2009

haha, well she is only a few pages behind me lol

Katie said

at 8:31 am on Oct 6, 2009

Allia can have it after Brooke :)

Allia said

at 8:39 am on Oct 6, 2009

Thank you!!

Katie said

at 8:42 am on Oct 6, 2009

Oh you are so very welcome

paul bonnell said

at 5:59 pm on Oct 18, 2009

After your book interview, I'd have to say that I'm next in line for this book. A strangely intriguing profusion of symbolism, action, and madness, yes?

Allia said

at 9:55 am on Dec 8, 2009

I totally agree with Bonn. And Bonn can have it after Brooke. I have my own copy. :) :)

paul bonnell said

at 10:59 am on Dec 18, 2009

I find the list of guy turn-offs interesting. I'm also curious about what you think of the book. Did you find parts objectionable, or do you think Henning has teenage males and females and their relationship woes and celebrations pretty dialed?

paul bonnell said

at 12:08 am on Mar 28, 2010

More thoughts about _The Bar Code Tattoo_? Quotations, etc.?

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