
The Kangamangus

Page history last edited by Josh 15 years, 2 months ago


I know it sounds catchy doesn't it? My book as the title states is, Catch 22 .  





great cover i know right?





I'm reading When Heaven and Earth Changed Places. So far i really enjoy the book and the way it accustomizes you to the culture. The story is about a vietnamese girl who lives in a village on the border between North and South Vietnam. Her story is about the struggle that she goes through with the wars that wage on around and in the village. So far from what I've read in the book its an amazing story and a good read.






Comments (5)

Becca said

at 8:51 am on Oct 5, 2009

thats my nickname lol....whats wit your page name? it makes no sense

Becca said

at 8:06 am on Oct 6, 2009

its really bugging me that you wont tell me what your page name/signature means! lol i have tried to figure it out, but i got nothin :-)

paul bonnell said

at 4:21 pm on Oct 18, 2009

What did you think of _Catch-22_?

Josh said

at 9:46 am on Dec 8, 2009

Btw to those of you who wish to comment on this page, you should know that i rarely check it or update it so ur questions might be unanswered for awhile (means you too Bon)

paul bonnell said

at 11:16 pm on Mar 27, 2010

Perhaps you should check and/or add to your page more often.

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