Once Upon a Day
Lisa Tucker

This is the story of a young girl who has been secluded from the real world most of her life. Meet Dorothea O’Brien and she is 23 years old. She grew up without television, newspapers, computers, and radios, but she did have a grand piano, encyclopedias, older novels, old textbooks, record player, and she was homeschooled.
Nineteen years ago, a rich and famous man disappears from the face of the earth with his two children, Jimmy and Dorothea. After changing their last name, moving to a deserted corner in New Mexico, and growing up away from people and civilization, Dorothea, sets off on a wild goose chase to find her missing brother. Dorothea now has to venture out of their secluded corner in New Mexico for the first time and step into the real world of Missouri. Along the way, she meets a doctor turned cabdriver with a past he tries to forget, a past of one tragic day. Dorothea’s journey will lead you to meet a variety of characters. Lucy is a homeless girl from Missouri who becomes a singer and later, an actress. Janice Fowler is a social worker who changes her best friend’s life with one mistake in judgment.
I loved this book. It was a fast read and so well written. I cried. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a fast read, is not afraid to cry, some spots are so sad.
The Little Friend
Donna Tartt

One Mother's day, in Alexandria, Mississippi, a little nine-year-old boy’s life ended tragically. Robin Cleve Dufresnes was found hanging from a tree in his parents’ back yard. Still, twelve years later, Robin' murder is still unsolved.
Robin's little sister is now on the case and trying to find her brothers murderer. This quest will take her to the deep conflicts of her little town; and she will learn a little more about the towns people and herself than she would have really liked to.
I really liked this book. It took me a while to get into the book. It was really slow, but I really got into it toward the end. I really enjoyed this story and it explores the dedication of siblings to each other.
Moonlight Becomes You
Marry Higgins Clark

I loved this book. I got into it on the first page.
This is the story of a woman who has just found her long lost step-mother, Finnuala Moore, or Nuala. Maggie Holloway heads to her step-mothers house only to find her murdered in her living room.
Maggie is unsatisfied with the police report saying it was a random break in, she starts to dig a little deeper, only to become a victim herself.
This was a fantastic book. I loved every bit of it. It kept me on my feet all the time and I didn't know who it was until the end. I have to admit that I was shocked when I found out who it was. They were so innocent throughout the book, untill the end.
The first 3 pages are what got me hooked on the book. Starting in the middle of the story, then going back in time to tell how it happened. Here is a piece of those 3 pages that got my attention
Oh, God! She was buried alive! She pounded her fists on the lid of the casket, but even inside, the sick satin muffled the sound. Finally, she screamed. Screamed until she was hoarse, until she couldn’t scream anymore. And still she was alone.
The bell. She yanked on the string…again…and again. Surely it was sending out sounds. She couldn’t hear them, but someone would. They must!
Overhead a mound of fresh, raw earth shimmered in the light of the full moon. The only movement came from the bronze bell attached to a pipe emerging from the mound: The bell moved back and forth in an arrhythmic dance of death. Round about it, all was silent. Its clapper had been removed.
Comments (7)
robert said
at 2:52 pm on Oct 5, 2009
Nice nicole. Your page is boring! lol jk. its a nice start though! good job!
robert said
at 2:29 pm on Oct 6, 2009
You didnt add much Nicole... you must have somethings better to do! lol. if you want to see a true work of art then check out my wiki page!
Matt said
at 2:32 pm on Oct 6, 2009
and our conversations of pie!
Nathan said
at 2:38 pm on Oct 6, 2009
PI! who talkin' 'bout pi, well them littl' 'uns who talkin' 'bout pi 'gain 'ave some ser'us prob'ems...
paul bonnell said
at 6:06 pm on Oct 18, 2009
Hmmm. I don't know anything about the side conversations, but I am curious about this book. I know that Katie P. and Anya K. both liked it. They found it to celebrate some of the most important truths of family well-being and personal emotional health. I'd like to know more about what you thought about it.
paul bonnell said
at 10:48 am on Dec 18, 2009
I know you had a computer crash, but you should try to finish your work on _The Little Friend_.
paul bonnell said
at 12:18 am on Mar 28, 2010
Vocabulary? More quotations? What could you do with your page to really create an interface that exists between you (an avid reader), your reading, and your audience?
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