"There is another world but it is inside this one." -Paul Eluard
The assignment is here: http://www.sedl.org/afterschool/lessonplans/index.cgi?show_record=112
It includes background, tutorials, learning goals, advice, etc.
Here are some links to online radio shows and podcasts: http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/uf ,
Creative Non-Fiction Link: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/753/1/
Narrative Essay Tutorial, including videos: http://www.sophia.org/writing-narratives--3-tutorial
Creative Non-Fiction and the Creative Muse: http://davehood59.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/creative-nonfiction-writing-the-personal-narrative-essay/
Poets and Writers: http://www.pw.org/
Google Lit Trips: http://www.googlelittrips.org/
The Journey Takes Us Upward, Across, There, Back, Downward, Forward, Outward, Inward: http://vimeo.com/31241154
(Check out Sebastien Montaz-Rosset's videography and storytelling techniques.): http://www.sebmontaz.com/
Techniques: http://accad.osu.edu/womenandtech/Storyboard%20Resource/
Professional Stuff For Film, Video, Television: http://www.claytowne.com/beats-digging-ditches/storyboard-tutorial-how-to-create-storyboards-for-film-video-and-television/
For Creative Writing and Thinking: http://storyboarding.livejournal.com/9145.html
A Storyboard Blank for your ideas: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://freeology.com/wp-content/files/storyboard-thumb.png&imgrefurl=http://freeology.com/reading/storyboard-with-six-boxes/&h=232&w=300&sz=10&tbnid=DBfnxMOsoAKJfM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=116&zoom=1&usg=__qMgU15rQtougUcyJAJgIifPduUQ=&docid=3g9TSJq_mw2N9M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YhYRUdnkAuSXiALeroDYAg&ved=0CGEQ9QEwCQ&dur=6370
Notecards and Storyboarding for Writing: http://rebeccablain.com/2012/11/29/adventures-storyboarding-part/
essE QuAm viDeRi--to be is better than to seem to be
If you love to write and want to ascend to new heights of literary experience, please ask.
Here's the photo of the Helen Keller ad I saw in the Denver Airport three summers ago:
Link to the Asiemut website here: www.asiemut.com
I like how spare Mel and Olivier's experience in Mongolia, China, Tibet, Nepal, and India was. They pushed limits and grappled with that concept put so succinctly by Antoine de Saint Exupery in Wind, Sand, and Stars: "In anything at all, perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer anything left to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away."
The Scarlet Letter Project
Authentic Writing Situations
Love words? Explore the online etymology dictionary: http://www.etymonline.com/
In your reading and your writing, explore other worlds.
Self-Select Projects - First Period0809- Sixth Period0809- Ethan Frome Project - First Period0910 - Sixth Period0910 - Fourth Period0910 - First Period1112 - Sixth Period1112
Links to English/Language Arts Tools
Common Core Standards: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
The National Council of Teachers of English Common Core Standards: http://www.ncte.org/standards/commoncore
AP English Literature Prompts: http://sb169.k12.sd.us/Prompt%20list%20for%20IR%20with%20AP.htm
Writing essays on your own for fun? Why not?
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