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Chelsea's Journal Of Books

Page history last edited by Chelsea 14 years, 6 months ago

The Secret Life Of Bees

Sue Monk Kidd


Quotes:“People who think dying is the worst thing don’t know a thing about life.” Lily, p.2

     This is what I know about myself. She was all I wanted. And I took her away. Lily p.8

      Well, I don't know. Some things in life, like the color of a house, don't really matter. But lifting someone's heart? Now, that matters. August p.56





this book is about this girl, Lily and her story about how she tries to uncover the past about her dead mother, and what really happened to make her leave. This book takes place just outside of Sylvan, South Carolina. This is where Lily lives with her abusive father, who has never been the same since Lily's mother died. Then Lily runs away with the housemaid Rosaleen, and travels to Tiburon, North Carolina to discover the secrets about her mother. During this time she is taken in by the Boatright sisters, who make her feel loved and welcome.















How All This Started

Pete Fromm


         NolanRyan.jpg Nolan Ryan image by IDrinkYourMilkshake





















This is a really good book, I would reccomend it to anyone who loves baseball or has a really close bond with their brother or sister. 

This book is about a brother and a sister and their bonds together. The boys sister Abilene is really good at baseball, and she trys out for boys team and makes it but she never gets to play so she trains her brother to become the best pitcher the world has seen, better than Nolan Ryan. But then Abilene is diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and begins to just disappear,and she puts her brother through some rough times, but their bond together helps them get through it.



  • With my ear pinched tight against her ribs, I closed my eyes and listened to her heart, remembering all the northers that had parted around us, leaving us this close, untouched.-Austin (pg.305)
  • "You can't control what your opponent is going to do, only yourself. Control yourself!" - Abilene (pg. 23)
  • I staggered back grabbing my elbow. I took a step toward first, same as Ventura, then charged around the table at Abilene. She wisked me in with that smooth Nolan Ryan move, tucking my head under her arm, giving me the little noogie before suddenly jacking her fist around in those lightning-fast uppercuts. I heard Mom gasp, heard her call, "Stop it!" heard Dad bellow, "Abilene!" as though they were afraid she would actually hurt me, as though this was her "violent" nature revealed at last.- Austin (pg. 74-75)




Jumper-Third Eye Blind                                                                               Vocabulary

I wish you´d step back from that ledge, my friend  ERA-It is the average amount of runs given up over a nine inning period.

You could cut ties with all the lies                                                                                

That you have been living in                                                                                        

And if you don´t wanna see me again

I´d understand

I´d understand

The angry boy, a bit too insane

Icing over a secret pain

You know you do not belong

You are the 1st to fight

You are way too loud

You are the flash of light

On a burial shroud

I know smth´s wrong

Well everyone I know has got a reason

To say

Put the past away

I wish you´d step back from that ledge, my friend

You could cut ties with all the lies

That you have been living in

And if you don´t wanna see me again

I´d understand

I´d understand

Well, he has on the table

And he has gone to code

And I don´t think anyone knows

What they´re doing here

And your friends have left you

You have been dismissed

I never thought it´d come to this

And I

I want you to know

Everyone has got to face down the demons

Maybe today

We can put the past away

I wish you´d step back from that ledge, my friend

You could cut ties with all the lies

That you have been living in

And if you don´t wanna see me again

I´d understand

I´d understand

I´d understand

Can you put the past away

I wish you´d step back from that ledge, my friend

I´d understand







                                                                                 Wow is really all i can say about this book. At times this book made me want to just stop reading and burn it, but I couldn't bring myself to stop reading it. The crazy things that the character has to go through from getting beaten by her mother to raped by her dad, and having two kids by him. At times the book made me so angry because I can't imagine the things that Clarice Precious Jones had to go through, and i know that I would never let anyone do that to my kids or someone else if i knew about it.  This book has a lot of terrible things in it but it also has a lot of good, and i would reccomend it to anyone.  
























All the Pretty Horses

Cormac McCarthy 



All the Pretty Horses is a really good book. I thought that it started out kind of slow, but when I got to the main part it got really good. Mainly it's about this 16 year old boy who's parents have sold one of the last ranches in Texas. The world is slowly becoming industrialized, and paved roads are becoming more popular with the dying ranch life being left in the dust. The main character is John Grady Cole and he travels with his cousin Rawlins to Mexico and along the way they are joined by a boy named Blevins and that's really all that they find out about him. On the way to find work they encounter Mexican police, floods, and other hardships, but learn to get through it.  




*~ Quotes~*

* He saw his father at the funeral. Standing by himself across the little gravel path near the fence. Once he went out to the street to his car. Then he came back. - At first I didn't really understand this quote but what I think it's about is his father is slowly dying after watching his grandpa's funeral, and leaving the life of the cowboy to buy cars, and live in hotels instead of a  house.

Yonder goes a light, he said.


    You'll be late for your own funeral.

    It ain't even four yet. You're early.

    Well let's go. There goes the barn.

    Rawlins was trying to get his soogan tied on behind the saddle. There's a switch in the kitchen, he said. He aint to the barn yet. He might just be gettin him a glass of milk or somethin.

    He might just be loading a shotgun or somethin.

    Rawlins mounted up. You ready? he said.

    I been ready.- this quote is talking about when Rawlins and John Grady Cole run away.

You afraid of lightnin? said John Grady.

    I'll be struck sure as the world. 

    Rawlins nodded at the canteen jung by its strap from the pommel of John Grady's saddle. Dont give him no more of that shit. He's comin down with the DT's.

    It runs in the family, said Blevins. My grandaddy was killed in a minebucket in West Virginia it run down in the hole a hunnerd and eight feet to get him it couldnt even wait for him to get to the top. -this quote is where Blevins is telling them that he's afraid of lightning and that everyone in his family gets killed by lightning. And of course they don't believe him.  

The following morning at gray daybreak two men entered his cubicle with drawn pistols and put a flashlight in his eyes and ordered him to get up.- This is a very important part of the book, where Rawlins and John Grady get arrested without knowing why.

On the inside of the of his right forearm was a blue jaguar struggling in the coils of an anaconda. In the web of his left thumb the pachuco cross and the five marks. Nothing out of the ordinary. But as he sat he suddenly knew why this man was eating alone. It was too late to rise again. He picked up the spoon with his left hand and began to eat.- This one pretty much sums up itself.





Cuchillero- Cutler

Commandante- Commander

Gerente- Manager

Marauder- To raid for plunder 


























Comments (12)

Josh said

at 8:17 am on Oct 6, 2009

hmmmmmmmmm bees.....not cool...tigers=AWESOME! or a T-Rex. both are far better than bees. I would change your mascot if i were you

Allia said

at 8:18 am on Oct 6, 2009

Is it a good book chelsea?

Chelsea said

at 8:20 am on Oct 6, 2009

Yeah but you could watch the movie and still understand everything cause it's almost exactly like the book

Allia said

at 8:20 am on Oct 6, 2009

haha good to know

Becca said

at 8:22 am on Oct 6, 2009

i want to read that book!

Coe said

at 8:51 am on Oct 6, 2009

Whats the book about?

Josh said

at 8:54 am on Oct 6, 2009

The book is about NOTHING!!! NOTHING AT ALL!!! its a trap dont look at it!!!!

RachelTy said

at 9:19 am on Nov 23, 2009

I like the picture:)

Becca said

at 9:49 am on Nov 24, 2009

i really want to read How All This Started!!!!!

Chelsea said

at 2:21 pm on Nov 24, 2009

K do it it's a really good book

RachelTy said

at 9:11 am on Dec 8, 2009

Wow. I love your quotes Chelsea, keep it up girl.

paul bonnell said

at 7:24 am on Mar 27, 2010

Chelsea, I like your quote selection from _All the Pretty Horses_. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I thought you might connect to the themes of independence and "western" life. How might you deepen your reflection, perhaps relating to some of the themes--the tension between an industrializing world and lost ways of living (living close to the land), the desire for independence, even if seems contrary to what is "best"?

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